P.O. Box 1394, Mbabane, Eswatini

Tel: (+268) 2417 8000 Fax: (+268) 2416 2862

Examinations Council
of Eswatini

Phase 2 - Entries > Tranfer Candidate

Phase 2 - Transfer Candidate

What is a transferred candidate?

This is where a candidate transfers from one ECESWA registered centre to another registered centre after the submission of exam entries. Candidates may only transfer to a Centre registered with ECESWA.

  • A candidate who, after final entries are made, transfers to another ECESWA Centre becomes the responsibility of the receiving Centre. Where necessary, the originating and the receiving Centre must make arrangements for the completion of any internal examination. The receiving Centre must submit marks for internally-assessed work.
  • The original Centre and the receiving Centre must both apply to ECESWA by filling in the Transfer Form available on the ECESWA website. When ECESWA has received both of these applications the entry will then be moved from the original Centre to the receiving Centre. ECESWA will charge a transfer fee.
  • ECESWA cannot accept a request to transfer a candidate to another Centre if ECESWA receives it less than 7 working days before the candidate’s first exam in the series
  • ECESWA is unable to accept a request for transfer received at ECESWA after the deadline for transfers communicated to Centres.
  • ECESWA is unable to accept requests for partial transfers (i.e. taking just one component).

How to apply

A Candidate Transfer Request Form must be filled in by the Original Centre and a Candidate Confirmation Request Form must be filled in by the Receiving Centre for the transfer to be actioned by ECESWA (Please download Forms below)

The Receiving Centre must submit both these Forms including proof of payment for the transfer. Please refer to your Handbook for Centres on how to handle Transfers. Transfer deadline is 30th September 2024.


Candidate Transfer Request Form

Candidate Confirmation Request Form